Of course, I am linking up my 5 ideas with Doodle Bugs 5 for Friday.
So let this party started and “chalk about it”.
Check out her post on planning out your week’s worth of clothes. Her idea is really quite “out of the box” and kind of brilliant for getting new outfits out of your own closet and into your rotation. I find myself in the same clothes all the time because I don’t think about what I’m wearing when I am fully awake. I stumble into my closet, eyes half open, and grab something familiar- so I wear the same clothes constantly! You have to see how the outfits below come together.
Seriously, this is the best post for getting more use out of a cute maxi dress- Here she's worn it 9 ways ! Please and Thank you Lauren! She is so cute.
If you laminate it before they write on it, then you use it year after year. Our campus laminator is forever broken, unavailable, and moody. So mine was not laminated. It will look darling up on the walls and then I will raffled it off and a child can it home.
It’s time to get them comprehending and let me tell you that this unit will get you huge results. Wednesday, I added 5 more days worth of activities and a darling new poster to this product!
This packet truly works for my students! But you don’t have to take my word for it!