Let’s Chalk About It

Another week has flown by and I am excited to talk about some cool ideas to make life in the classroom easier!
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Of course, I am linking up my 5 ideas with Doodle Bugs 5 for Friday.
So let this party started and “chalk about it”.
1When everything in your closet is in style and fits, it’s fun to get dressed for a day in the classroom. This is not the case for me right now. I am in a slump, bored with my clothes, and I’m devastated that the ones I really like are too small. {insert the sound of crunching Oreo Cookies} But, I found a blog that made me smile and rethink my wardrobe, my shape, and picking and pairing new outfits! The blog is Modern Modesty. Her outfits are DARLING!
modern mod 1 Here is her post called “Getting Dressed Is Like Frosting A Cake.” I Love it! Such a good mental image of how to make an outfit happen. modern mod 2
Check out her post on planning out your week’s worth of clothes. Her idea is really quite “out of the box” and kind of brilliant for getting new outfits out of your own closet and into your rotation. I find myself in the same clothes all the time because I don’t think about what I’m wearing when I am fully awake. I stumble into my closet, eyes half open, and grab something familiar- so I wear the same clothes constantly! You have to see how the outfits below come together.
modern mod 3
Seriously, this is the best post for getting more use out of a cute maxi dress- Here she's worn it 9 ways ! Please and Thank you Lauren! She is so cute.
modern modesty 
2 My blog post of the week is from the amazing Lisa Mattes who offers up an easy and free idea for helping our reluctant writers finish their work!Work With Writers Who Struggle To Complete Their Writing Pin 3I love it when my students are working collaboratively and this little center was both rigorous and novel. It was novel because we were writing on a flower instead of a worksheet. The rigor came in that the pairs had to come up with a verb and agree on the spelling of the verb together. Common Core is all about co-constructing learning!Fun Center- make it a shared pen
If you laminate it before they write on it, then you use it year after year. Our campus laminator is forever broken, unavailable, and moody. So mine was not laminated. It will look darling up on the walls and then I will raffled it off and a child can it home.
It’s time to get them comprehending and let me tell you that this unit will get you huge results. Wednesday, I added 5 more days worth of activities and a darling new poster to this product!
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This packet truly works for my students! But you don’t have to take my word for it!
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5 Would you like to buy 35 Comprehension Builders and some other great classroom resources? I have got you covered! Enter the Rafflecopter for your chance to win $25 dollars to TpT!