
Helping slow workers finish their classwork

5 easy to implement solutions to help your sweet, but slow finishers, get their work done!

The reasons behind not finishing are many : some kids are still weak in the skills that they need in order to finish, some kids don’t care about finishing, some kids don’t want to do the next task so the dawdle , some enjoy the constant pushing and encouragement to finish.

#1 Let’s start with those who lack in skills needed. 
  1. Offer to help on 1 problem and let them know that you want to hear them think through the next problem. (This gives some accountability for them to listen to you while you are helping.)
  2. When it is their turn to do a problem out loud ( the think through it)  don’t jump in and offer assistance too fast.
  3. Praise their thinking and willingness to work hard.
  4. Fill in gaps in the understanding
This is great modeling for the potential peer tutors who are seated near you and are probably listening in. These steps show the other children at the table how to help this struggler should the struggle continue.
#2 Buddy Helpers and the GREEN Pen of Greatness
Give those fast finishers something meaningful to do. Allow them to assist a friend using the 4 steps above and this poster below.
Use these 5 easy to implement strategies to help your slow finishers complete their classwork

If you give your peer tutors a green pen you can watch this “helping bug” spread like the flu… just kidding spread like wildfire.  Maybe your slower finishers just need to motivation to get done so they can get their hands on a green pen!

Green Pen
The idea for the green pen comes from Amy Green. Brilliant idea!
  1. Teacher roams around with some green pens. 
  2. Completed work gets a green star. In my class we do hearts.
  3. Author of completed and accurate work can go on to other things of interest or take another green pen and go help/ look over the work of other friends in class!!!
(((purchase a box of green pens from Office Max {here}))))

Use these 5 easy to implement strategies to help your slow finishers complete their classwork- From Katie Knight at Teacher to the Core
#3 Helping Reluctant Finishers Get it Done: Using Motivational 1/4 sheet and Visual Timers
Now what do you do with a child that just does not want to finish? They have the skills, but finishing is not something that they care about. Or they don’t want to do the next assignment, so they are making a “meal” of this one!
  1. If this is habitual, call home.  It can be a quick call just letting mom, dad, auntie, or other family member know that it’s becoming a habit for the child to not finish even though s/he has the skills to do so.
  2. Offer the child a little help. Mention that you have noticed they are not getting their work done. This just isn’t how we do things. Remind them they can ALWAYS ask for help, but you have noticed they KNOW how, but just are moving slower than they should. Give them a 1/4 sheet of paper to help them keep track of finishing on time. Most kids love having the teacher “notice” this change of effort. You can place a sticker over each child. Kids love the dot marker. For some reason that perfectly shaped blob makes everyone happy. Or just make it simple and put a heart over every finished assignment.
    Use these 5 easy to implement strategies to help your slow finishers complete their classwork- From Katie Knight at Teacher to the Core

  3. Utilize a visual timer so they can tell if they are running out of time. I love the classroom timers site!!!  Your students will be able to pace themselves better as they watch the fuse burn. The fireworks show is awesome at the end.
    Use these 5 easy to implement strategies to help your slow finishers complete their classwork- From Katie Knight at Teacher to the Core

  4. Have something they miss out on if not done.  I will say I have kept a child in for 5 minutes of recess occasionally. Don’t throw things at me.  Listen, I think the “don’t take their recess away” movement is right! Seriously don’t throw things at me. But missing 5 minutes of recess really sends a message too. Staying in for 5 minutes in the course of an entire school year can yield a harder worker!
#4 Decide if not finishing is OK: Modified Work
Some of the kiddos in my room are struggling on every little thing all the time. This is because their age is not matching their academic age.  For example, I have a 1st grade 6 year old who is precious, but is at a mid kinder level. Isn’t it OK for him to finish half of the work and tap out? This is modifying. Seriously, if he can do 4 problems (even with help) wouldn’t that indicate that he could eventually finish them all? But the eventual part is the struggle. We don’t have “eventually” in the school day. A phone call home or parent meeting should happen first before work modification begins.  All parties need to agree on this. Once you all agree, have the child complete a given amount and then store the unfinished work.
Use these 5 easy to implement strategies to help your slow finishers complete their classwork- From Katie Knight at Teacher to the Core

#5 Have a Spot to Store Unfinished work:
I store mine in this Pacon paper sorter! In December I went back to work after the break and brought in the Pacon Paper sorter. I called it the work in progress condo. I can keep projects we are in the middle of in there and my students can keep their own work in progress there too! I adore Pacon as a company and this paper sorter is the best. Let me tell you why.
  1. It was inexpensive.
  2. It was so easy to put together, and I am ALL thumbs.
  3. It can be painted or covered in contact paper to customize.
  4. It easily stores the unfinished work of my slower finishers and the “in progress” work from my week-long intervention groups!!!
  5. This product is sturdy and isn’t too big! It fits perfectly under an easel or stands up tall along a bookshelf. It also sits beautifully on a counter top. You can also set it on it’s back to be accessed from the top. LOVE THIS PRODUCT. You must order one NOW
Use these 5 easy to implement strategies to help your slow finishers complete their classwork- From Katie Knight at Teacher to the Core

OK but get this… my class is a little “willful” this year. Out of 30 kids I have 14 only children and 1st born kids who “just” got their 1st sibling.  This year has been a struggle to keep them engaged in work vs. pretending school is one big playdate.  So, look at the brilliant idea I came up with to keep the talking down a bit!!!

Lord have mercy, just that little bit of space between desk groups has really cut down on the talking and has improved work completion too!!! Can I get an Amen? I am giving myself a high five right now!!!!  You can also stand the sorter up on it’s end.  I am going to buy another one and put it in my guided reading area to hold the awesome materials I keep on hand there.

Unfinished work and Parent Communication:
What do I do with this unfinished work? I send it home on Friday.  I attach a note that says something like this: “This is work that your child was not able to finish in class. We discussed work modification, but I wanted you to have this at home in case you can have an older brother or sister or tutor help your child continue to practice the skills we are doing in class.”
Use these 5 easy to implement strategies to help your slow finishers complete their classwork- From Katie Knight at Teacher to the Core

Grab this parent letter and other freebies below. 

  • high expectations- I expect you to do what I ask and try hard (even if that means doing 1/2 page I asked of you)
  • meaningful relationships - The green pen and helpers 
Kelley Dolling of the Teacher Idea Factory says you have to “sell the sizzle” in order to get things done.  I hope the sizzle of the green pen and the posters and freebies motivate your little stars to rock this out.

Download all the freebies from my store on Teacher’s Pay Teachers by clicking the button below:

Use these 5 easy to implement strategies to help your slow finishers complete their classwork- From Katie Knight at Teacher to the Core

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