The Very Hungry Caterpillar- Close Reading- Gifted Resource

I love the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar ! Don’t you?  You will love the close reading activity that I have written as a gift for you and all your teacher friends!

I mean how many copies do you have? I THINK I have 3 copies and the plush reading buddies to match. I wanted to offer you a fun little activity to do with this book.   I have included the video link too because my students love to watch the magic of You Tube!

Click the picture above to be linked to YouTube or click {here}.
I am loving that the Common Core focuses on close reading! But Close Reading can be confusing for many teachers and kids! Just remember the kids annotate by circling confusing words and underlining main ideas or important plot parts(literature). Have kids work with their table group to help each other on the confusing words. As a first grade teacher I remind them to connect to the text and ask questions.  I also ask text dependent questions that require evidence.  Now close reading can be far more complicated and in depth for older grades, but we teach littles. So let’s not be so complicated that we end up skipping the whole thing due to PTSD.

When you are close reading a book that you are reading out loud  it can be  little tougher, since the kids can’t all come up and write on your book. I suggest using post it notes so that you can mark their thinking. Plus, I created a“Very Hungry Close Read” so that my students could practice underlining the main idea/ important plot points since they cannot underline on the book.  I hope that this little page benefits your kiddos, and that they can find some added depth in this classic story! Here is how I do it.
Free close reading tips and book companion for The Very Hungry Caterpillar

Enjoy my dear ones!

Free- Close Reading of Very Hungry Caterpillar Freebie
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