This series of posts is about finding THE best materials for the ages and stages of a new reader. Sometimes a new reader is called and emerging reader. Most often these children are kindergarten and first grade students. I am excited to share what has worked with my own son and in my 15 years of classroom experience. I used a mix of sight words, phonics readers, and “real” books written by famous authors, web sites, guided reading, and passage fluency to help my son and students become readers! I am going to discuss each of these and the best materials I have found!
There are a million reading programs, some free and some worth their weight in gold. I love these 4 programs: MY SON LOVED THESE 4:
Starfall- free phonics and reading fun
ABC Mouse- paid and very fun
RAZ-Kids- paid book library that is leveled from non-reader all the way to 3rd grade level. Worth it’s weight in gold!
Reading Rainbow – paid (iPad) and amazing.