American Symbols

American Symbols is one of my FAVORITE units to teach. 

It must be yours too because 

over 12,000 teachers have purchased this unit

from Teachers Pay Teachers !

It meets the Common Core Standards for

Informational Reading with rigor and  

brings your classroom joy while reading!

American Symbols Unit by Teacher to the Core includes everything you need

Updated with more crafts and symbols see below!

My students LOVED this unit!

  I got 4 parent notes telling me how

 much they enjoyed hearing their child talk informatively and

passionately about Social Studies.

One parent said that their child doesn't talk much at the dinner

table, and now he won't stop talking about school and symbols!

I think it's because the unit is written to be 

kid friendly and engaging!
American Symbols Unit by Teacher to the Core includes everything you need

American Symbols Unit by Teacher to the Core includes everything you need

Here are a few of the Statue of Liberty pages

American Symbols Unit by Teacher to the Core includes everything you need
 I wrote a week of fluency for the Statue of Liberty too.
American Symbols Unit by Teacher to the Core includes everything you need
 Each Symbol has a full writing unit
American Symbols Unit by Teacher to the Core includes everything you need

American Symbols Unit by Teacher to the Core includes everything you need

Remember the update has even more art!

 2 Interactive Little Books have been included

for launching the unit and explaining 

what a "symbol" is. 
American Symbols Unit by Teacher to the Core includes everything you need

American Symbols Unit by Teacher to the Core includes everything you need
 Oral Speaking "pledge page" with assessment rubric

American Symbols Unit by Teacher to the Core includes everything you need

 Tons of Activities like these:

American Symbols Unit by Teacher to the Core includes everything you need

American Symbols Unit by Teacher to the Core includes everything you need

Math Graphing Bulletin Board 

American Symbols Unit by Teacher to the Core includes everything you need
You also get full color pages of all 5 symbols to

 make your bulletin board so cute.
American Symbols Unit by Teacher to the Core includes everything you need

Also, you need a great way to show your graphing data.

American Symbols Unit by Teacher to the Core includes everything you need
I included all the pages that kids need 

in order to understand that symbols are everywhere!

Need grades for your grade book?

Me too!

I created several tests.  

American Symbols Unit by Teacher to the Core includes everything you need

Bonus American Symbols Mock Election Material

 The Reading Fluency passage comes in three levels.

Low First Grade
Mock Election Freebie- Yes Please- From Teacher to the Core
 First/ Low Second
Mock Election Freebie- Yes Please- From Teacher to the Core
Second Grade
Mock Election Freebie- Yes Please- From Teacher to the Core
Mock Election Freebie- Yes Please- From Teacher to the Core

Anchor Charts and Registration to Vote

 Time to vote Anchor Chart, 

Secret Ballot, 

and Graphing to discover the winner


Easy Graph (Tally Marks)

"Harder" Graph

******* Update 1 ******

I am excited art added and has become available as BUNDLE!

American Symbols First Grade
The one above has art as a bundle

American Symbols First Grade
 If you don't want / need the art, you can buy without it too.

White House for kids

62 Printables and 6 art projects!
Pick and choose or do them all. 

This has open house written all over it!

2 student books

3 math and literacy activities

1 game

8 fluency & reading comprehension pages

5 writing units (From pre-write to publish)

Syllables Activity

Vocabulary Word Searches

Clues Page (possible assessment if you choose)

2 patriotic student writing pages

1 oral speaking activity with parent note & grading rubric

3 assessments

6 art projects

***** Update 2 *****
So many of you asked for The Washington Monument to be added. 
Washington Monument for Kids