This baby is updated in time for the sale. It grew from 60 notes to 80 thanks to input from my friends on my Facebook Fan Page. Thank you for the great ideas!
I created these notes because I hate the scramble that happens when I have 5 seconds to create an eye catching note! IT PUTS ME IN CRISIS MODE. This pack will save you from all that drama. These notes are provided in full and quarter sheet formats so that you can save your copies if you are limited! Simply grab, copy, and go! It could not be easier!
The Parent Reminders Notes Feature:
- Melonheadz wonderful clip art.
- A graphic style that is pleasing to the eye
- Quick information that the parents can read and remember
- Some notes even have room for you to write in pertinent information such as dates, times, children's names, etc.
- Early Out
- Early Dismissal
- Minimum Day
- Math Test Tomorrow
- Spelling Test Tomorrow
- _______ Test Tomorrow
- _______ Test with check off
- Registration Paper Work Reminder
- Back to School (3 variations)
- Parent Information Night (3 variations)
- School Supplies Reminder
- PTA Membership Drive Ends Soon
- PTA Membership Drive Ends Tomorrow
- PTO Membership Drive Ends Soon
- PTO Membership Drive Ends Tomorrow
- School Picture Day Tomorrow
- Fun & Funny Classroom Photos Tomorrow
- Field Trip Soon: Please send in forms
- Field Trip Tomorrow please remember _______
- Field Trip Tomorrow
- Fundraiser Ends Soon
- Fundraiser Ends Tomorrow
- Report Cards Come Home Tomorrow
- Parent Teacher Conference Notification
- Parent Teacher Conference Tomorrow
- Award Notice
- Awards Are Tomorrow Reminder
- Class Party Notification and Requests (3 variations)
- Class Party Money Collection
- School Spirit Day: Your child is invited to dress up wearing: _____ 2 variations)
- The Book Fair is this week
- Scholastic Book Orders Due
- Online Scholastic Book Order Ends Tonight
- Project Due Tomorrow
- Oral Speaking (3 variations)
- District Math Test Tomorrow
- State Math Tomorrow
- District Language Arts Test Tomorrow
- State Language Arts Test Tomorrow
- Box Tops Drive Going Now
- Box Tops can be sent in all year
- Box Tops Week
- Weekly Goals Checked Tomorrow
- Monthly Goals Checked Soon
- Monthly Goals Checked Tomorrow
- Trimester Goals Checked Soon
- Trimester Goals Checked Tomorrow
- I just posted on our class
- Blog
- Facebook Page
- Shutterfly Page
- Instagram Account
- _______'s Lunch Account Balance is Low
- Oops! Lunch was given, please send $ to cover the cost of lunch
- Remember to wear appropriate shoes
- 100 Mile Club Shoes
- Recess Shoes
- Flat Shoes
- Request to send in ________ (supplies)
- OUCH! (Health Clerk/Nurse Note)
- Lost Tooth
- Open House Notice
- Open House is Tomorrow
- ________ Had a rough day (behavior note)
- Bonus: Water Play Party Note
- Bring Back Your Library Books Tomorrow
- Bring Back Your Guided Reading Book Title: ______________
- Please Return the Reading Book You Borrowed ______
- __________ Did not turn in homework
- __________ Did not turn in a reading log
- Please complete and return the reading log
- Missing homework Version 1
- Missing homework Version 2
- Missing homework Version 3
- Please sign off on your child's sight words
- Please send in snacks
- Family Night
- Can you help with the Food Drive? Send in items on ______
- I.E.P. Meeting is Tomorrow
- School Performance
- Can you Help Us? We Need __________
- Can you Help Us? We Need Version 2
- ________please remember to wear your uniform
- Dress Down Day, No uniforms
- AR Note
- Project Due Tomorrow
- Spirit Week Mon___ Tues___ Wed___ Thurs___ Fri____
- Ask Me About: _____________________
- Grandparent's Day
- Family Day
- Science Fair
- Ice Cream Money Note
- Field Trip Version 1
- Field Trip Version 2
If you want to go shopping around and fill up your wishlist before the sale click {here} or the window shopping tab up in my navigation bar.