People tell me, “Oh, you are such a good artist.” This cracks me up every.single.time. I tell them I can’t draw, but I can trace and spend hours coloring!
It’s worth it to me. I am using my Little Earth Hugger with my Easy Ecology Unit.
The 10 page little book is my favorite! I used the cover to make the bulletin board. I just plopped it under my document camera and traced!
I had a teacher at my school roll her eyes once and say “UUUUUGGGG you have too much time on your hands!” But it’s kind of relaxing to color. I also enlist tons of little kiddlet help.
This is my Jackson when he was 4. {Sigh} This was 3 years ago! I had just found Cara Carroll’s blog and knew I had to do her word doctor activity. I needed a little help coloring while I made dinner. My little guy volunteered. My husband ran out the room when I asked for helpers! I don’t blame him. I color at home a lot. I know he thinks if he does it once, I’ll beg him to help more often (He is not wrong.) Obviously, I colored the body, but my little guy could handle the hair. Look at his sweet concentration {sigh again}.
Also keep in mind that the kids can color as part of a center. I don’t think they should spend a lot of class time coloring, but sometimes it’s nice to give them 5 minutes of ownership. Big kids also like to help during their lunch.
You can also project onto colored paper and glue the pieces together. That’s how I made this enormous eagle for my American Symbols unit. Have fun with your boards, and try going big! It makes a HUGE impact!