Being a Mom {Keeping your kids busy at Christmas}

Given a choice, my son will play video games until his eyes cross!

So at some point, we make him unplug.

He squawks a bit and carries on, but then I say this...

 "I think I saw an ornament has fallen off of your tree."

He runs into his room and begins to tinker with is tree.
He will be in there for 30 minutes or longer



......allowing me to get something done.......

He is always on the look-out for plastic ornaments to add to his little tree.

I am happy to buy him a $1 ornament for 30 minutes of peace and quiet.
Another thing my hubby does is he brings in 4 folding chairs. We place a pile of blankets

next to the chairs and my son will make forts all day long!

He brings snacks in there and will even watch a movie on our tiny DVD player.

Of course, then we all have to get into the tent, but this is what memories are made of!

You know what else is a memory for me... The year my family recorded a Christmas Album.
My mother sang the "5 golden rings part" of the song, and let me tell you I will never forget it.
I actually do a great impersonation of her opera-like interpretation of the line.
My hubby begs me to do this just for fun... I always indulge him... almost always...
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