December Behavior Management

Here are 5 of my BEST strategies for helping my students behave in the month of December! #IhaveSantasCellNumber


Number 1: Happy vs Sad Tracker

A little self awareness goes a long way! But no child or group of first graders are born self aware. So I help them keep track. I use this little happy vs sad tracker to help them see how their day is going.

At the end of the day, if they have more nice moments than naughty, then they earn an elf for that day. Elves earned go across the top of the board. 
{see below}

After earning 10 elves (or having 10 great days) my class with be rewarded! I do an extra recess, a bonus treat at the winter party, or a movie. 
Behavior Management Freebie

Number 2: "Eye" Like What I See

Another great gimmick is the- "Eye" Like What I See- bottle of eyeballs . Is a table behaving like angels? Give them a container of “eyes”. Get it ... "Eye" like what I see.  

Freebie for behavior management around Christmas
This bottle might change tables 20 times in a day. 
Holders of the bottle are dismissed to recess 1st and get a candy at the end of the day!

Number 3: Shout out the great kids!

Nothing brings on best behavior better than authentic praise, appreciation, or a shout-out in the presence of our peers. Is there and extra special student who is trying extra hard to stay on Santa's good list? Shout that child out!Use these little notes to shout out great behavior! There are 4 to sheet.


Number 4: Sun-Shine calls home

I know that this is such a no-brainer, but sun-shine calls during this busy and hectic time of the year can literally make a parent’s day. I make it a point to contact 1 parent a day. 

I keep the call sooooo short that it takes a total of 3 minutes. In class,  I make a big deal about how excited I am to call Little Liam’s mom. 

It is really a double dip too. Liam feels great, kids who are naughty know I am calling moms, and it make other kids hungry for their sunshine call. I keep track on this sheet. I have 1 for every month.

slide 14

Number 5: Keep up the Rigor !

They can smell blood in the water. I know you are tired from wrapping gifts all night, but don't show them that! No way! Whip out some fun and engaging materials. Keep them interested!

In December we are going to rock out this fluency-reading, writing, and art. This material speaks their language and keeps them singing my literacy building song until the last moments of school.

Here is a glimpse into January!!! 
It will be here in the blink of an eye!
 I have this prepped and on my desk when I leave for Christmas break, so that I am not stressed about school over the holiday!

Click here for to go to Teachers Pay Teachers.

Bonus Recipe:

Because I have to share- Friends nothing says Thanksgiving and Christmas like Cranberry fluff. Listen, it might look strange. I don’t think so, but my husband’s family thought it was totally weird when I brought it 13 years ago! They each took a teaspoon full of this delicious dish to be polite. They tasted it, again being polite, but asked for the dish to be passed again and again and again! This dish was empty at the end of the meal. Everyone loved it. Sweet from apples, sugar and marshmallows, tart from the cranberries, fluffy from Cool whip. I mean come on! What’s not to love! Plus, you make it the day before!!!! 
You need:
  • 3 apples cut into chunks (no need to peal them)
  • Bag of Cranberries
  • Sugar (1 cup)
  • Small Marshmallows
  • Cool Whip the big tub
The day before:
Zip- zap some apples and cranberries in a food processor, dump into Ziploc bag add sugar and mush around. Put in fridge. Also transfer the Cool Whip from the freezer to the fridge to defrost it.
The day of: Fold Cool Whip, marshmallows, and fruit goodness in a bowl. Then put into the serving dish. HEAVEN
Enjoy! If you want the recipe click the “download” button below.
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