Bats On My Brain~ Freebie!

Haunted house and bats, say no more! The kids were hooked! I love teaching in October! The content is JUST delicious!IMG_9832 On Wednesday morning, I woke up and thought OH MY GOSH what if my “Batty About Verbs” bulletin board included a huge haunted house???? The best part was my room mom (who loves all things decor) was coming that day. I knew she would be crazy enough to want to help me!!!! So instead of ME projecting, tracing, and cutting, SHE did it!!!! YES, I am a lucky girl. When I told her my plan she was on it!!!! In less than an hour this was done!!!
And now we are even battier about verbs!!! We used the moon, stars, and clouds from the prior year to create the look we wanted.
If you want to do this too, pull up any image on your computer, turn on your LCD, trace, cut, and VIOLA! This year I made the bats brown. Its more realistic and the haunted house was purple, so the bats could not be purple.
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We created a circle map in class of things bats do (bat verbs). We used this amazing book by Lily Wood. 

 I read this aloud and the kids raised their hands when they heard the verb. Very few sentences in this book had helping verbs, and when they did I just changed the sentence around a bit.

  The kids loved it. Then they chose two words and wrote 1 on each wing.

Depending on how you staple the bats, you can give the effect of them flying.  I stapled all the bats in these 3 ways: flat, wings folded in, and body bowing out a bit. You can see above and below what I mean.

IMG_9832 This is what I did last year. I think this is JUST as cute and there is no need to be insane and make a haunted mansion.  BUT I do love my mansion.

If you want my bats they are {here} in my store for free!
There is also an alternate art project included in the download. You can see it in the thumbnail on the bottom left. 
If you are really batty and want to win this tile for your home or classroom, enter the copter below! My amazing room mom makes these tiles and other vinyl goodies too! My little man is loving this count down and the chalk erases so cleanly off the chalkboard vinyl!
a Rafflecopter giveaway XOXO,
Your batty friend, Katie