Bright Ideas !

Oh my goodness. How great is this blog hop?!? One great idea after the next!  But you are also reading 146 posts. So I am going to keep it short and show lots of pictures in my Bright Ideas {organizational secrets} post.  

Some of my secrets have to do with file organization. One is just managing piles, and some of it is, in part, to “gluing” things down! You read that right "gluing" things down!

Best filing System ever
I love to use plastic sheet protectors.  Nothing falls out and they hold a ton. If you have too much to fit in one sleeve, then simply staple multiple sheet protectors together! Below is an entire TpT unit that has been sorted, stapled, and filed.  EASIEST system ever!!!

Organize entire TpT units in plastic sleeves -then staple and file- EASY

Keep stuff at your fingertips and looking neat by (non-permanently) adhering it to hard surfaces using sticky putty. My guided reading table looks perfect every day even though 29 first graders mess with those mats {shown below}. They don't move. Nor does my tape dispenser "walk away". The power of "the putty"!

sticky putty is for more than just files
Usually it is used to hold posters onto a wall, but try using it to keep your:
  • keyboard from slipping around.
  • tape dispenser from moving when you grab tape.
  • desk items from getting pushed around.
  • pencil sharpener from moving
  • equity sticks (name sticks) cup from tipping
  • small group mats in place! They don’t slip, slide, and look perfect!
My last tip is:

Keep projects in one spot. I bought 6 containers to stash projects in until I have time to work on them. The bins make my room look thoughtful, neat, and organized. Until I have time to tackle the projects, they look so much better than piles!
Put project piles in little bins- they look better until you have time to get to them

Thanks for visiting me! I had so much fun doing this post that I already know what I am going to talk about next: Bright Ideas for fabulous bulletin boards! I want to share the tips and tricks I have learned to make my bulletin boards shine and get them up fast so I can spend more time with my family! Stay tuned by following via Google, Bloglovin’, or Facebook.

Ready to hop to the next great idea?
Click the graphic below to read how to organize all your supplies!

Do you want to hop by grade level? Click below

More Bright Ideas for Lower Grades:

 More Bright Ideas for Upper Grades:

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