

Man oh man have I been busy.
I have so much stuff to upload for you guys!!!
I just don't know what to use... Scribed? Google Docs?
 There are so many choices.
But I need to decide and get on it because...
I want to
share with you!
Yes I do!
I wanna share with you!

I missed my calling as a cheerleader.

We have been hard at work using our Word Doctor.
Thank You Cara Carroll for the original idea!
I decided to get super cute and for the week on compound words,
I made him a dentist.
Yep. I dressed him in a Hawaiian shirt
I put floss in the pocket, toothbrush, and toothpaste in his hand


 Vwal-la Dentist!

 Here is the good doctor's schedule

Anchor Chart

 Now what you are looking at is the close up of what
was hanging on the bulletin board.
 I love boards that I can use for the whole month
As the month drags on goes on,
I staple the new but related activities right on top of the prior one.

Once I am done, I pull them down and make a book.
By I, I mean, my room moms.
I love them and I owe them everything!

 Here is one of my lovebug's books.

I ummmmm borrowed this mask from my doctors office without asking. 
I also thought for sanitary reasons he would not want it back.
So I'm not going to mention it to the doctor.
 I put a clean tissue inside for each student before each photograph
to keep down the germ factor.
Only 17 of my kids were absent with the flu 4 days later

(just kidding)

Compound Words

I typed up a whole bunch and let the kids cut them apart

and band aid them back together.

We all did the word surgery. It was just fitting for first grade.

 All in all, bought 3 boxes of cheap band aids

for my class of 26 kids.
I was only 3 band aids short.
I borrowed those from the nurses office. You guys wont tell will you?

More  fun coming your way! Stuff to scan

and load for you!