Show and Tell Aprons

Have you heard of these amazing Show and Tell aprons!?!  Everybody is talking about them!

I am telling you that the options are endless with this apron.
Teacher to the Core loves these Show and Tell Aprons
I have a really low group and at the start of the year some didn’t know the difference between a letter, a word or a number.  I can slip this child-sized apron onto a friend who get’s it and they can help the strugglers! Kids LOVE wearing these aprons! They feel so grown up.

Look amazing and teach skills all at the same time with these Show and Tell Aprons

Shoe and Tell aprons help me teach skills in an exciting way
This is the apron that I am wearing a lot right now.  It’s a tutu !!!! I died and went to teacher heaven when I saw this! So, the cards inside… I want my 1st graders to figure out how to make the equation true by the time I am done taking attendance. It’s so easy to change out the cards AND you can stack the cards inside each pocket as well ! So I can have 5 equations ready to go inside the pockets. Just pull out the top cards and BAM! New equation revealed !
These Show and Tell aprons help you teach skills in a fun and exciting way
Here is another tutu apron, but this one is child sized!  I can let a little princess assist me with lessons! In this lesson, the cards show verbs that we are going to add -ed to.  Once we add -ed (making the word past tense) we say the word a few times and listen to see which ending sound the -ed makes. The card can go into the pocket behind the sound.  The aprons are easy on off so you can change assistants easily. Did you notice that I wrote on the last 3 cards? Yep, you can laminate plain paper and use a dry erase marker!
So where do you get the cards and aprons? Why Teachers Pay Teachers of course! You will be heading to Sand’y store if you click the pink link above!  I love her! We hang out at all the conferences and she even let me stay in her room when my flight home was cancelled! As you can see, in the photo below, I love this woman!
Sandy is the creative genius behind show and tell aprons!
If you want to read more about Sandy’s amazing aprons, then click on any picture below.  You will head to Deedee’s blog and linky party!
To enter the contest for an apron of your own, click on the FB video below, watch and comment on the Facebook Live video to win!

Join us NOW! I am recording live!