Our “Life is Better with Friends” was such a fun giveaway.
I loved reading about your best friends
in the comments section on my blog!
We are truly lucky to have friends come alongside and bless us!
I was going to write about all my human best friends,
but decided against it. I would hate to leave anyone out.
But I have to mention my blogging buddy Daisy.
Otherwise know as
Daisy Lynn Spears
Sharky (She might have a couple rows of teeth)
I wish I was kidding…
Daisy is with me, sitting on my lap, face resting on the
keyboard all the time. Half the time I can’t really type,
so I pet her instead. This is her plan.
She is silly, wildly happy, and loves to snuggle.
She lays on my chest and rests her muzzle in the hollow on my neck.
I can literally feel my stress melt when she does this.
I am so thankful for her, just like I am so thankful for
all the people in my life who brighten my day and
give me the chance to grow.
Because “ Life is Better with Friends”
Speaking of…. we have a winner! Four winners!
Each of us picked a winner from our blog and here is mine!
Mrs. Brown, you will be getting lots of goodies in your inbox.
And now Farley’s “Currently Link Up”
Listening to Curious George:
Curious George and Scooby Doo are the sound track to our home.
Well, that and a lot of loudness from the “boys”. I am so thankful for
PBS and the makers of Curious George for providing some smart TV.
Thinking about: Hobby Lobby… are there words?

If you don’t have a Hobby Lobby or know what I am talking about,
your bank account thanks you.
It is a MEGA warehouse of all things Home Décor,
crafting of all sorts, and fabrics….
I am returning a few things today and will
come home with a ton more… I just love it!
Wanting: New jammies.
This is not a picture of me and that is not my butt!
I wish!!!!!!!!
But I do sleep in yoga pants.
I call them my “No-Ga” clothes because I don’t actually do yoga.
My favorite pair has a hole… and I am tho thad, tho beary thad!
So I need to get new jammies….
Needing: to exercise… maybe yoga { ha ha ha }
I think I’ll start with this pose. What? She makes it look so easy.
Like, Love, Hate all beginning with a “K”
Farley it’s Saturday morning!!!
I can't think on Saturday mornings!
I did the best I could with them all beginning with the /k/ sound!
Like: quiet …… who doesn’t?
Love: kisses and kissing… I won’t elaborate
Hate: Krispy Kreme Thighs
Yah! “Happy all around”
all around….. my middle….. my legs and my cankles!
I love Krispy Kreme………….LOVE…… but I just can’t eat one!
How about you?
What do you LOVE to indulge in???