October Teach With Me!

This little gem will help your kids explore verbs!

I start with a non-fiction book on bats. As we read, we make a list of Batty Verbs.

Each child writes 1 verb on each bat wing. They cut out the bats and take 1 home to mom. One goes on the bulletin board (thumbnail 1) or on the second art project (thumbnail 2) shown. Your choice!

On the back of the second art project I have students write verbs with their white crayon.

Page 1 bats

Page 2 moons

Page 3 clouds

These are ready to be photocopied onto construction paper. No tracing templates.

Of course you could use this bat for rhyming, synonyms, antonyms... Even writing your first and last name for kinder. You have limitless possibilities.

Get Batty Freebie here: Batty About Verbs

I Can Make Pumpkin Pie is such a cool unit! My students talk about even on the last day of school! We make the no bake pie filling in class using the included recipe, but we skip the pie crust and use graham crackers instead. This makes it easy to make, serve , and enjoy! The differentiated passages are perfect for fluency, comprehension, and close reading. I have included a full writing unit to help your students write the "perfect paragraph" including that tricky sense of closure! The darling art will bring this unit to life, delight your learners, and make your classroom beautiful!

This is an informational How To passage- I can make pumpkin pie!

What's Included:

  1. Lesson Plans for the week
  2. Differentiated Passages (1st-2nd grade)
  3. Art project (copy machine ready, no tracing) Directions are in words and pictures. Perfect for a substitute teacher.
  4. Bulletin Board lettering that says "No Bake Pumpkin Pie"
  5. Two Full Writing units / Opinion and Informational "How To" are provided. You pick, do one or both!
  • Brainstorming pages (I put these under the doc cam and complete with the kids)
  • Quick write for easy writing and grading
  • Themed writing pages with multiple line choices.
Get Pumpkin Pie resource here: No Bake Pumpkin Pie

The signs of fall are everywhere! These differentiated passages are perfect for fluency, comprehension, and close reading. I have included a full writing unit to help your students write an acrostic poem about what they see and do in this wonderful Fall Season! The darling art will bring this unit to life, delight your learners, and make your classroom beautiful!

This is an informational text- The Signs Of Fall / I can see that it is fall.

What's Included:

  1. Lesson Plans for the week
  2. Differentiated Passages (1st-2nd grade) 2 passages total in 4 formats
  3. Art project (copy machine ready, no tracing) Directions are in words and pictures. Perfect for a substitute teacher.
  4. Bulletin Board lettering that says "It's Fall"
  5. Full Writing unit
  • Brainstorming pages (I put them under the doc cam and complete with the kids)
  • Fall Acrostic Helper with pre-printed words and ideas to help kids (and teachers) write
  • Themed writing pages are actually fall leaves to decorate your room!
Get resource here: I Can Tell It Is Fall

2021 update includes a passage on Indigenous Peoples' Day. This current unit has grown to include a passage for those moving away from celebrating Columbus Day and moving toward celebrating the cultures here prior to explorers and settlers. This passage can also be used with prior materials to provide a more complete view of historical events. As we know better we do better.

Columbus, A European Explorer: These differentiated passages are perfect for fluency, comprehension, and close reading. I have included a full writing unit to help your students write the "perfect paragraph" including that tricky sense of closure! The darling art will bring this unit to life, delight your learners, and make your classroom beautiful!

This is a Social Studies informational passage on Christopher Columbus or Indigenous People's Day.

What's Included:

  1. Lesson Plans for the week
  2. Four Differentiated Passages (1st-2nd grade) available in 4 different formats
  3. Art project (copy machine ready, no tracing) Directions are in words and pictures. Perfect for a substitute teacher.
  4. Bulletin Board lettering that says "Christopher Columbus"
  5. Full Writing unit
  • Brainstorming pages I put under the doc cam and complete with the kids
  • Vary your sentences! A brainstorming page of ways for kids to start their sentences.
  • Quick write for easy writing and grading
  • Themed writing pages with multiple line choices.

This unit teaches your students about the life cycle of the pumpkin while allowing them to practice their reading skills. Students will engage using these materials because they are rigorous and fun! You will love this packet because your students will growing as readers, scientists, mathematicians, writers, and test takers. That's right you even get a test to fill your grade book! What more could anyone want?

What's Included

-Interactive little book/reader

(Differentiated for the Fall Season of both 1st and 2nd grade.)

-Vocabulary cards

-Descriptive writing

-Art that is easy and low prep





-Pumpkin patch book that will be a favorite in your classroom library.

The preview shows every page of the little readers so that you can see if they are great for your kids.

Little Reader & Teacher Magic

I read this book with my first graders to help them with hard words like "dirt, sprout, and vine". They love learning about pumpkins and reading those "content words" makes them feel so good and impresses their families! They love the interactive moment on each page where they are circling, crossing out, or coloring in! They will find reading to be fun and think you are the most magical teacher with this book!

Get resource here: Pumpkin Life Cycle

Pumpkin Poem

Pumpkin Poem is a perfect passage for early readers! One sentence per line and picture clues to help your youngest readers. Differentiated passages with more depth, complexity and vocabulary are included as well.

  • 1st grade October
  • 2nd Grade October
  • Sing Along with the You Tube Song "Orange Pumpkins" (info in product)

These differentiated passages are perfect for fluency, comprehension, and close reading. I have included a full writing unit to help your students write the "perfect paragraph" including that tricky sense of closure! The darling art will bring this unit to life, delight your learners, and make your classroom beautiful!

What's Included:

Two Differentiated Passages (End of Kinder-First Grade) available in 4 different formats

  1. Beginning Reader
  2. Fluency Passages with and without numbers

Comprehension Focus on:

  1. Matching

Art project

  • Copy machine ready, no tracing
  • Directions are in words and pictures.
  • Perfect for a substitute teacher.

Bulletin Board lettering that is quick and easy to cut out

  • Print or copy directly onto construction paper cut to 8.5X11
  • Bulletin Board Lettering "Our Pumpkin Patch"

Full Writing unit

  1. Brainstorming pages I put under the doc cam and complete with the kids
  2. Quick Write for easy step by step writing
  3. Final Draft is written onto the Pumpkin Art


  1. Lesson plan for how I use this unit

This unit is available in 2 Bundles:

Fall Literacy (392 Happy Customers)

Literacy All Year (630 Happy Customers)

High Praise for Literacy All Year Units:

  • "NEVER have I had such a comprehensive unit that is absolutely perfect for ALL my kiddos. The graphic organizers that support the writing... top notch. My kids were writing paragraphs with openings and closings WEEK ONE. I send home the reading practice for homework. I was dumbfounded when my ELS kids... still in early reading behaviors... touched and read the passages top to bottom. Worth EVERY penny. I wish I had bundled!" -Suzan Sudlow

  • "First off, thank you for being such an inspirational speaker at the K-1 conference! You inspired me to do more, and your bundles have helped me up my game without making my life harder! Thank you for adding all the pictures and examples." -Natalia C

Grab Pumpkin Poem here: PUMPKIN POEM

American Heroes

Like Mammals of the Woods and American Symbols this unit falls into the category of “Common Core: Informational Reading and More”. I have provided 14 differentiated fluency passages on America's most beloved heroes. Included are tests, art projects, activities, and a timeline that covers from the 1750 to the present. This unit is double the size of my other units, but I am not going to charge you $16. Times are tough, the job we do is tough, and the low price is my way of making quality curriculum affordable.

Please download the 14 page preview. The preview is heavenly, since you can see everything discussed below in detail and pictures....I love pictures!

Heroes covered in this unit:

-Johnny Appleseed

-Betsy Ross

-George Washington

-Helen Keller

-Abe Lincoln

-Harriet Tubman

-Alexander Graham Bell

-Susan B. Anthony

-Amelia Earhart

-Bessie Coleman

-Martin Luther King Jr.

-Rosa Parks

-Barack Obama

The fluency passages are differentiated to provide you materials to challenge all levels of reading in your classroom.The differentiation also means that this unit can reach first – third graders.

Each Hero Has:

- differentiated fluency passage

- a test/ reading comprehension page

- background information card to display on timeline

- timeline graphic - full color and approx 10 inches tall

- timeline birth year card

Grammar Searches and Grammar Anchor Charts:

Grammar practice is provided in the form of grammar searches on the fluency passage. I have also provided anchor charts for the major parts of speech.




-helping verbs



Common Core activities are:

-Grammar Searches

-ABC Order

-ABC Order African American History Month

-Syllable Clap Out

-Timeline Practice

-Reader's Challenge Game

-Information for Famous American Fridays

-Information for turning your classroom into a "Living Wax Museum"

Smart art: masters are photocopier ready, no tracing.

-Johnny Appleseed ~Smart Art Component: Writing

-George Washington ~Smart Art Component: Writing

-Abe Lincoln~Smart Art Component: Writing & Grammar Search

-Martin Luther King Jr. ~Smart Art Component: "was" and "wanted"

This unit is a whopper. 168 pages of pure joy.

This curriculum takes me from Jan - April as a first grade teacher. I do 1 hero a week, Famous American Friday Fun, and my student's reading goes through the roof. Plus, they are learning about true heroes, building character, and filling up my grade book as we go!

Get resource here: American Heroes


Skeletons is a perfect passage for early readers! One sentence per line and picture clues to help your youngest readers.

  • You can play the You Tube Songs Skeleton Dance
  • Your kids can sing and follow along

I have included several differentiated passages that are perfect for fluency, comprehension, and close reading.

I have included a full writing unit to help your students write the "perfect paragraph" including that tricky sense of closure!

The darling art will bring this unit to life, delight your learners, and make your classroom beautiful!

What's Included:

Two Differentiated Passages (End of Kinder-First Grade) available in 4 different formats

  1. Easy Reading
  2. More complex text
  3. Fluency Passages with and without numbers

Comprehension Questions Focus on:

  1. Looking back into the text
  2. Matching
  3. Labeling

Art project

  • copy machine ready, no tracing
  • Directions are in words and pictures.
  • Perfect for a substitute teacher.

Bulletin Board lettering that is quick and easy to cut out

  • Print or copy directly onto construction paper cut to 8.5X11
  • Bulletin Board lettering Says : "No BONES about it, we care cute"

Full Writing unit

  1. Brainstorming pages I put under the doc cam and complete with the kids
  2. Vary your sentences! A brainstorming page of ways for kids to start their sentences.
  3. Quick write for easy writing and grading
  4. Themed writing pages with multiple line choices.


  1. Lesson plan for how I use this unit

This unit is available Bundled for Big Savings :

Looking for More Literacy - Expansion Pack 1

High Praise for Literacy All Year Units:

  • "NEVER have I had such a comprehensive unit that is absolutely perfect for ALL my kiddos. The graphic organizers that support the writing... top notch. My kids were writing paragraphs with openings and closings WEEK ONE. I send home the reading practice for homework. I was dumbfounded when my ELS kids... still in early reading behaviors... touched and read the passages top to bottom. Worth EVERY penny. I wish I had bundled!" -Suzan Sudlow

  • "First off, thank you for being such an inspirational speaker at the K-1 conference! You inspired me to do more, and your bundles have helped me up my game without making my life harder! Thank you for adding all the pictures and examples." -Natalia C

To See the Whole Literacy All Year Series Click Here. Link stays on TpT and in my store.

Grab resource here: Skeletons


Spiders is a perfect passage for early readers! One sentence per line and picture clues to help your youngest readers. Differentiated passages with more complexity and vocabulary are included as well.

  • 1st grade October
  • 2nd Grade October

PRIOR to the Fall of 2021 These units were only available in the Fall & Literacy All Year Bundles. I am listing them individually so teachers can buy in when ever they would like. Please note the bundles are at a HUGE discount and have been purchased over 1,000 times. You might want to check them out.

These differentiated passages are perfect for fluency, comprehension, and close reading. I have included a full writing unit to help your students write the "perfect paragraph" including that tricky sense of closure! The darling art will bring this unit to life, delight your learners, and make your classroom beautiful!

What's Included:

Two Differentiated Passages (End of Kinder-First Grade) available in 4 different formats

  1. *NEW* Beginning Reader (Picture clues on every line)
  2. Easy Reading
  3. More complex text
  4. Fluency Passages with and without numbers

Comprehension Focus on:

  1. Refer back to the text
  2. Drawing upon students inferencing and schema

Art project

  • Copy machine ready, no tracing
  • Directions are in words and pictures.
  • Perfect for a substitute teacher.

Bulletin Board lettering that is quick and easy to cut out

  • Print or copy directly onto construction paper cut to 8.5X11
  • Bulletin Board Lettering "Spiders"

Full Writing unit

  1. Brainstorming pages I put under the doc cam and complete with the kids
  2. Quick Write for easy grading and editing
  3. Final Draft pages in various formats

Bonus Gifts included:

  1. Lesson plans for how I use this unit (Monday - Friday)
  2. Pictures of Bulletin Boards
  3. Fluency Graph
  4. Sense of Closure Anchor Chart

This unit is available in 2 Bundles:

Fall Literacy (392 Happy Customers)

Literacy All Year (630 Happy Customers)

High Praise for Literacy All Year Units:

  • "NEVER have I had such a comprehensive unit that is absolutely perfect for ALL my kiddos. The graphic organizers that support the writing... top notch. My kids were writing paragraphs with openings and closings WEEK ONE. I send home the reading practice for homework. I was dumbfounded when my ELS kids... still in early reading behaviors... touched and read the passages top to bottom. Worth EVERY penny. I wish I had bundled!" -Suzan Sudlow

  • "First off, thank you for being such an inspirational speaker at the K-1 conference! You inspired me to do more, and your bundles have helped me up my game without making my life harder! Thank you for adding all the pictures and examples." -Natalia C,

Grab resource here: Spiders

These Illustrative Mathematics units are for extra practice / homework and include assessments. They are carefully designed to be Illustrative Math friendly and kid-friendly.

Grab Unit 1 here: UNIT 1

Extra Practice / Homework and Assessments : (See every page in the preview)

  • 1 extra practice page per lesson
  • Supports vocabulary
  • Lesson format is extended here
  • Kid-friendly graphics and topics
  • Supports game-play
  • Can be sent home as homework or used in class
  • Each page can be used as a quiz, exit ticket, or cool down
  • Can be used outside of the IM program as standards-based math practice.
  • Assessments

Grab Unit 2 here: UNIT 2

Will you be making other units?

  • Yes!
  • I need this extra practice as much as you do!
  • I plan to post a unit every few weeks.
  • Please enjoy them "hot off the press" until then.
Grab Unit 3 here: Unit 3

What Units are available?

Grab Unit 4 here: UNIT 4

Will you bundle?

  • Yes, but I will not bundle until all the units are completed.
  • After all units are complete prices will increase.
  • Get them "hot off the presses" until then!

Grab Unit 5 here: *COMING SOON*

Grab Unit 6 here: *COMING SOON*

Grab Unit 7 here: *COMING SOON*

Grab Unit 8 here: *COMING SOON*