
Reading Buddies Book Tags

 I am a sucker for the plush reading buddies and the books that match! BUT they can cause a problem. When my kids are looking for new books to take to their desks, which do they want to take? Yep, they want the book and the toy! Enter my FREE Book Tag solution!

Reading buddy book tags help kids know that they CAN read this book but they CANNOT take it or the matching book buddy to their desk.

Reading buddy book tags help kids know that they CAN read this book, but they CANNOT take it or the matching book buddy to their desk to keep for a week. This has helped my students know that certain books stay out for all kids to read during our daily 5 reading rotations.

Easy Install of the Tags:

FREE Reading buddy book tags help kids know that they CAN read this book but they CANNOT take it or the matching book buddy to their desk.

FREE Reading buddy book tags help kids know that they CAN read this book but they CANNOT take it or the matching book buddy to their desk.

Tag Choices:

FREE Reading buddy book tags help kids know that they CAN read this book but they CANNOT take it or the matching book buddy to their desk.

FREE Reading buddy book tags help kids know that they CAN read this book but they CANNOT take it or the matching book buddy to their desk.

The second tag choice is handy if you a book does not have a matching plush doll, but you still don't want it going into desks. 

The series below is too big and bulky to have at desks, so these will be tagged on Monday as soon as I print and laminate more of these tags!

Grab these on Teachers Pay Teachers:

These Book Tags are free on Teachers Pay Teachers. Click the link {HERE} or the picture below.