A New and Improved Santa: Close Reading and Summarizing

Freebie book resource companion for this charming book! Santa thinks he is old fashioned, but what happens when Santa makes BIG changes? 
Christmas Literacy Freebies from Teacher to the Core- A New and Improved Santa is a great book for Close Reading and  Summarizing (2)

Christmas Literacy Freebies from Teacher to the Core- A New and Improved Santa is a great book for Close reading and  Summarizing
Christmas Literacy Freebies from Teacher to the Core- A New and Improved Santa is a great book for Close reading and  Summarizing (3)
That’s right!
It’s Mrs. Claus to the rescue. 
She may only have a month to fix it, 
but as any wife knows... we can fix anything
in any given amount of time. 

This book is a perfect book for a Close Reading activity and working on Summarizing in Writing.

So you KNOW I made you a goodie!

Here is a FREE Close Reading Page!

Close Reading for the book A New and Improved Santa from the blog author Katie Knight of Teacher to the Core

And here is a FREE Summarizing flip booklet and themed writing paper. 


Teaching 1st graders to summarize vs retelling can be hard.
Enter the "Somebody-Wanted-But-So" Strategy. 
This strategy works well with any book that has a problem and solution.

This book's summary might sound like this:  Santa wanted to change everything about himself, but nobody liked it, so he changed everything back.
Download now new

I hope you enjoy this sweet little FREEBIE and I welcome your comments.

If you are looking for more December fun, 
you might like this little baby! 

Click the picture below.