Work completion is no small task. In kinder and first grade kids constantly ask do I have to ____________? Yes, little one you do, and you need to finish quickly so that the class can move on to our next BIG awesome learning.
I wrote a HUGE post about helping kids to finish {here}.
A few of my loves have a hard time getting done in a timely manner and I have found that this little paper really helps. Not all of my students use these at this point in the year, but the few who still do really enjoy getting a heart or stamp over each kid. Then, once the paper is full I shout them out at the end of the school day. They often get a skittle too as a reminder that life offers sweet rewards to those who work hard and complete tasks. Grab this freebie by clicking the picture below.
Sweet teachers, please remember you are the thermostat to happiness in your classroom. We all want #happyclassrooms. You can do this. Get those kids to scamper toward what you want by shouting out the greatness you see in them and others! Have a fabulous day and enjoy the freebies!