1 Million Page Views and a Lamination Trick!

Holy Cow! I am walking on air. My blog just hit over a million page views! ONE MILLION!!!!!!!!!!! That’s a lot of page views and my cheeks hurt because I cannot stop smiling!!!!!

Thank you for reading this blog and joining me week after week.  Really it means so much to me when you comment or message me.  Seriously!

Thank you!

I am BEYOND excited to share this uncommon used for lamination!!!!

This little trick that might help if you like to decorate your classroom door.

Lamination Trick! Cover your door. The art wont get snagged and torn by little legs, hands, or backpacks!

I had hung up these darling Johnny Appleseed art projects and within 30 seconds and 1 dismissal to recess 4 of them were beheaded.  This is not uncommon. Most things I hang on my door or on my hallway bulletin board end up getting destroyed. But you can’t hate the player… gotta hate the game!

Then it hit me. A game changer idea!

Cover the door in lamination!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lamination Trick! Cover your door. The art wont get snagged and torn by little legs, hands, or backpacks!

My school district has a resource center where we can buy lamination for 10 cents a foot! So I ran 15 feet of lamination (which is enough for the door and hallway board) and paid $1.50! What a bargain and I am loving life!Lamination Trick! Cover your door. The art wont get snagged and torn by little legs, hands, or backpacks! If you want to do this darling little art project you can find it here.

Johnny Appleseed unit has art, fluency, writing, and so much more!