This is my blog-aversary month and I have some big treats
in store for you during March.
The friendship giveaway starts today!
But before I talk about the giveaway…
Did you notice????
I have had a blog make over!!!!!!!!
I send BiG warm fuzzies to Michelle!!!
Oh my word this woman is a genius!
This was an incredible process.
Michelle was able to take my pictures, likes, and color preferences
and dream up the glorious-ness you see!
She had to scrap my old code and write new code
so I could respond to comments.
She worked endlessly, joyfully, and with attention to detail.
She even created a pink and black 3am logo for the bottom of my
blog, so that her red and yellow one would not clash with my blog.
Thank you, my dear friend, from the bottom of my heart!
You are in my heart…
Speaking of in my heart,
Michelle, Greg, and Lisa will be there forever!
Lemme tell you, they are cheerleaders, counselors, and inspirations.
As with the best collaborative relationships,
we all created something great for March.
Each perfectly compliments the others.
We are combining them in a giveaway.
You can enter on all 4 of our blogs.
This giveaway is called …Life is Better with Friends.
The green zebra paper : 3AM Teacher (Michelle)
Black frame with white inside: 3AM teacher (Michelle)
Font: Kimberly Geswein-Eyes Wide Open.
It is going to be a big month for this little blog.
Stay tuned!
To enter this giveaway
* the name you follow under
* your email
* tell me about your best friend
Click each picture below to go to our blogs and enter
their giveaways for more chances to win.
their giveaways for more chances to win.
Following these blogs (if you don’t already)
will be like finding a new friend!