
“Snow” cute!

As promised, here are the pictures of the snowflakes in our hallway.
We are prepping for Grandparents day,
and it is getting “snow” cute in first grade!
The entire 80 foot hallway has mittens and snowflakes all the way down!
I created the mittens page for the students to practice their antonym
skills.  You know I can’t just slap a mitten on the page.
I have to make it academic.
I used the top part to review the skill and the kids took it home.
Then, they created a darling set of mittens that shows their favorite
antonym pair either from the top portion or words from their
own beautiful brain. They had to tell me the words
before I let them write with marker.
In honor of Mr. Kindergarten I decided to use glitter on our mittens.
Now I am SURE you know this glitter trick,
but I thought I would share just in case.
Place a large sheet of construction paper on your table.
This will catch all the glitter that you shake off the students work.
I like to put my glitter in Styrofoam cup and use the hand over hand
method of keeping glitter from ending up on the ceiling.
Fold up the student work- taco style.
Shake and tap your student’s art onto the large sheet.
Fold up large sheet and tap it into the cup.

Now you are ready to move onto the next child!

I stapled the thumbs of the mittens to keep them together.
Then, I used two pieces of tape to keep them on the yarn.
To make the polka dot ones you see right behind “sun and moon”, dip the

erasers of pencils into glue, then top with glitter.  Most of my class wanted
the “Chevron” design.  We grew up calling this rick rack.  But my students
are hip and use the current lingo.
If you want to learn how to make the GiGaNtiC snowflakes then you will
want to check out this blog post { here }.
I show you how to make them in words and pictures.
This is the last step, and they are deceptively impressive.
They look so hard, but they are not.
I taught my whole grade level how to make them,
and the most common comment was “Oh that IS easy!”
If you want to make your own “Snow” cute mittens
click the picture and download . 
Download now
Before cutting have them color the back of the mittens if you want to
hang then where you will see both sides. This will look nicer.
I hope your students LoVe making them. 
Don’t feel compelled to use glitter.
They look amazing without glitter.
I say this for my bestie, Celeste.
She has a self diagnosed “art phobia”.
The thought of glitter might give her a panic attack,
but crayons she can handle.
Where do you land on art?
Do you- Love it.
Do you think- It’s OK.
Or is it - Valium anyone?
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