I’m off track. That means for the next 4 weeks I don’t have a class to teach. Before you get too jealous, bitter, and want to unfriend this blog……..It also means I had to make my room look like this…..
Yes, down to the last staple, I have to make the room a bare canvas for the next teacher to come in and work magic.
She gets:
a flag
boom box
phonics sound cards
sight word cards
blue paper on the walls with white border.
Oh and a dry erase easel, that does not erase.
And a nice note from me welcoming her back. I am sure she cherishes these notes.
I snapped these photos half way through cleaning.
If you notice, there is an entire 8 foot table full of curriculum. I had to pull it off the shelf, wipe the shelf down, and put it all back. But now that it is done, well, I turned in my keys, and told them to forget my phone number.
They already called me and asked me to come back on Monday for a school site counsel meeting.
I said
I’m such a sucker!
I also go back for two trade days. What is a trade day? It is a SWITCH day. I can plan days to switch with off track teachers where we work for each other instead of calling a sub. In December we are taking our Little Bear on this …
So instead of calling in {cough} {cough} (sniffle) (sniffle) “sick”. We just trade days. So I am going to be teaching 3rd grade for 2 days. Ill tell you all about it.
I have so many things planned for the next few weeks. The categories are Home Improvement, Domestic Goddess-ness, Teachers Pay Teachers, and some serious napping!
Home Improvement
Paint a dresser for Jackson
Dr. Seuss bathroom for Jackson
Domestic Goddess
Make treat bags for Little Bear’s Halloween Party
Plan some fun family events. (see question below)
Convince my husband to let me put up our Christmas tree the week of Thanksgiving. I’ll post more on this later, but this has been a 10 year “discussion”. My husband always win this argument. But not this year! I’m going to win. I can feel it.
Common Core Transition
There is not enough informational reading in my student’s lives.
I am changing that one unit at a time.
My new unit is half way done. Perfect for snowy days…
But it has nothing to do with Santa.
Its going to be Science…
Have I made you curious yet???
I’ll be posting it after a few teachers have edited it for me.
I just can’t see the mistakes in the midst of it.
My husband and I edit like maniacs and then HE misses something and I
have to reload and it freaks me out. OK we both miss the mistakes.
Do you have anything magical things that you do with your children for Thanksgiving?
I want to be a magical momma for my little guy.
I need ideas… do you have any?
Do you love these fonts?
Gingersnap print
Gingersnap Peanutty
They are free {here}
Ok, remember my question… Thanksgiving magic…
Can you help make me a Magical Momma for my 5 year old.