A story about weeds and love.

Thank you for stopping in! It's time to announce the winners of the giveaway and I have to tell you the sweetest classroom story ever!
I didn't use random sampler because it is just not as cute as my little guy. So I'll use him instead!

 Congrats to Kelly
 And because I think my girls are cute too.
  A bonus second winner is Mrs. Brown !

Check your emails ladies. I hope you love the printing unit.

 What would you say to a child who brought in a two foot tall weed after lunch? What would you say if she asked you to put it in your hair? That's what happened today. After recess my little girls shower me with daisies, dandelions, and clovers from the field.

It is so sweet!I put them in my hair and vases. I feel very love.

Today, in comes my special ed student. She is unbelievably sweet, and smiles all the time. Her smile was particularly big after lunch recess. She beamed and presented me with a 2 foot tall WEED stalk. 

"It's for your hair!" she exclaimed!

And right into my hair it went. That huge weed, and the joy with which she  gave it, will stay in my heart forever.  ï»¿